Contact us

Have an enquiry, specific need or feedback?

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Common questions

How much does the service cost?

Cost is typically from $5,000-$10,000 depending on the extent of data curation required. We will provide a quote after an initial consultation, and the cost quoted will be all-inclusive. There are no hidden charges.

If you’d like to discuss the pricing for your research please email

I'm ready to use the Health Data Platform's services. What's the first step?

You can email or submit a data service request form by email or online via our proposals page.

Should I get Ethics approval for my research before I submit my proposal?

You will need Ethics approval before we can provide you with access to the data, but we can help you navigate requirements.

Please refer to for University of Auckland information about research involving human participants.

Have a general enquiry, feedback or need help?

We’re here to help. Email the Health Data Platform team directly.